Germany’s Fenecon have announced a commercial energy storage battery – the modular battery has a storage capacity ranging from 8 kWh to 22 kWh. According to Fenecon, the battery will allow predictive, grid-friendly charging and discharging by using their FEMS energy management system.
Commercial energy storage battery overview

The Germans are quite excited about this new product and have released a press release (in German, which I’ve translated below):
„Ein Speicher für die Energiewende muss Photovoltaik-Anlage, Wallbox, Wärmepumpe und Stromtarife intelligent in ein zentrales Managementsystem einbinden – und den Eigenverbrauch optimieren“, beschreibt Ludwig Asen, Leiter Produktmanagement bei Fenecon, die Idee hinter der Speicherlösung. „Mit dem FEMS-Monitoring können Anwender einfach und über eine einzige Plattform alle Energieflüsse überwachen und regeln beziehungsweise steuern lassen.“
“A storage system for the energy transition must intelligently integrate photovoltaic systems, wall boxes, heat pumps and electricity tariffs into a central management system – and optimise self-consumption,” describes Ludwig Asen, Head of Product Management at Fenecon, talking about the idea behind the storage solution. “With FEMS monitoring, users can easily monitor and regulate or control all energy flows via a single platform.”
PV Magazine have a great article about the product, which you can read here.
Fenecon Commercial energy storage battery statistics and datasheet:
- Size of 506mm x 365mm
- Storage capacity for the modular system ranges from 8.8 kWh to 22 kWh.
- High-voltage batteries, the battery management module, and the intelligent control box connect together to maximise your energy savings.
- Total height of the cabinet at 171cm (this is the highest allowable design with the maximum of ten Fenecon battery modules) – should be easy to fit in small rooms.
- Wall-mounting the 24kg inverter shouldn’t be an issue either.
- Three towers can be connected in a modular fashion to increase the battery capacity all the way up to 66 kWh.
- Learn more about FEMS energy management system by viewing the video embedded below! You can see it playing nice with the BYD B-Box, a very well performing Chinese battery (which I assume Fenecon probably won’t recommend any more, but in any case it’s certainly a great piece of kit)